8 Crucial Tips for Your First Year of College

Hey friends! It’s been a hot minute since I jumped on here to share a post with you!

Today I just wanted to share things that have saved my life in school and I hope help you too.

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Academic life…

1) Schedule your classes in the morning

I’m not always a fan of getting up early for class, but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s great to knock out my classes early in the day so I can work and practice before evening comes.

2) Use the weekends to prepare for a new week 

You don’t want to be gasping for air all the time. Use weekends to get ahead on homework, schedule out things for the week, do laundry, and organize your closet, bags, and books.

Let Sunday be a special time of worship, rest, and reconnecting with people. This makes a world of difference during the week!

3) Build relationships with your professors  

This is a wonderful thing to do, especially if you’re in a Christian college. Allow your professors to pour into you and don’t be afraid to go to them for help–academically, and even for advice.

Sit close to the front in class, answer questions, and talk to them outside of class when possible. Encourage them and thank them frequently! They’re people who need to be built up too.

Relationship life…

1) Don’t date first semester

Honestly, when people told me this, I wasn’t a fan. Hah. I did date someone first semester, and I wouldn’t change that because it was an important learning experience. But I wouldn’t ever go into a relationship that fast again.

If you like someone you meet first semester, that’s great! I’m not saying freshmen aren’t capable of having a mature relationship. But when college is new to you both, you need time to adjust and figure out how to be independent first. Cherish cultivating a friendship with each other before you talk about dating. It will save you a LOT of drama and pain.

2) Keep a small circle of friends

I love meeting new people and connecting with all the students in my major! It’s a blast being able to interact with so many amazing souls every day. But in college, you only have so much time, and you can’t really invest in 20 friendships at once. Find people you click with and who pull you closer to Christ. Friends are a big deal. Be careful who you invest the majority of your time in. ❤

“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character’ ” (1 Cor. 15:33, NIV).

3) Make friends with upperclassmen 

I don’t know what I would have done without my close upperclassmen friends. They had balance and wisdom to offer that helped me so much my first few semesters.

Do what you can to connect with older students who love Jesus and who will encourage you to grow. It’ll spare you some freshman probs. 😉


Spiritual life…

1) Find a good church as soon as possible 

Ask God to show you what to look for in a church, and go find it!

I love my college church family and they’re such an important part of my life.

“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25, NLT).

2) Plan consistent time with Jesus 

This is WAY harder than I thought it would be, but I’m tellin’ you, you’re gonna crash and burn really fast if you don’t set aside time to pray and quiet your soul with Him. Get up extra early before class, block off time in the afternoon, or read your Bible before bed. Do whatever you have to to nourish your heart.

That’s all I have!

Again, I’m no expert, but I hope the things I’m learning will help you too.

4 thoughts on “8 Crucial Tips for Your First Year of College

  1. These were all good points that I wish I had encountered before I left for college, or even while I was still in school! Great advice for those going to college right after high school


  2. Thank you for this! I’m planning to go to a college in January and it’s quite big. After being homeschooled this will be a huge adjustment. You should share more posts like this!


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