Pros and Cons of Attending a Christian College

So! You’re looking forward to college and don’t know where to go. Christian college? State college? Community?

I always knew I wanted to go to Christian college, but when it came down to it, I had to evaluate the why’s. So, I asked several college friends for pros and cons, and getting their input not only solidified my decision, but prepared me for my first year. So, I want to share their input with you!

One Thing Christian Women Cannot Forget (3).png


Biblical education

This is probably the biggest advantage of going to a Christian college. I’ve received a Christian education all my life and it’s so much easier to learn when I’m not having to sort out my beliefs from the words in text book. Of course, not every secular text book or professor is out to contradict your beliefs…But oftentimes the worldview taught (even if it’s subtle) is harmful.

While we can strengthen our faith by learning to counteract misguided teaching with the Bible, it can be so easy to fall into the humanist mindset that is subtly spread through secular campuses.

College is a pivotal season in our lives, that hugely contributes to our beliefs and the direction we choose in the future. A biblical education is dependable and so helpful in developing a proper worldview that will stick with you in future years 

Bible classes/chapel sessions

On top of having Christian professors teach your core classes, you’ll have access to a variety of Bible classes and spiritual enrichment opportunities!

Christian friends

Christian college is a great place to make friends who share your values and will encourage you spiritually.

No co-ed dorms 

Need I say more? 😉

No on-campus party scenes

No drinking or party scenes on campus not only saves you from a lot of peer pressure and irresponsibility, but also ensures a more peaceful study environment.



Like any private university, Christian colleges can be pricey. And maybe that’s a deal-breaker for you. But y’know what? If God wants you there, He will provide for you. Don’t let finances scare you from following His lead.

Fewer majors to choose from

This is often the case with Christian universities (especially Bible colleges), which can be inconvenient if you’re looking for a narrower field of study.

Many Christian colleges are not fully accredited 

If you’re planning to go to grad school, accreditation can be a problem, but most of the time it isn’t. Just be aware that not all Christian colleges are nationally accredited.

“Shallow” Christians

One friend told me she occasionally feels frustrated by the shallow Christians she runs into on campus. As with anywhere, there are lukewarm Christians and even hypocrites. And that can be discouraging if you go in expecting everyone to be a grounded believer.

Fewer on-campus evangelism opportunities

Christian college can lend itself to a “bubble” mentality.  It’s easy to get comfy in the Christian circle and forget about evangelism. While it’s fabulous to be surrounded with like-minded people (and definitely eliminates a lot of stress), you have to be extra intentional with reaching out to unbelievers–on and off campus.

Stricter  rules

In dorm life, dress-code, class attendance, and sometimes even dating. This can be really frustrating sometimes, depending on how many rules your particular school has. But rules are also there to protect us, and if you keep that in mind, it’s a lot easier to embrace that safety net with a joyful attitude.

Closing notes…

I’m not telling you what type of college to attend, but wherever you go, you have to exercise wisdom and ask Jesus to help you stay faithful to Him.

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness” (1 Corinthians 3:19, NIV)…

This was my go-to when people tried to discourage me from applying to a Christian university.

Receiving a Christ-centered education is really important to me, and I don’t want to risk my faith by going to a university that leaves God outside the classroom. Am I saying  Christian college will save you or ensure a strong walk with Christ? That secular college will make you walk away from the faith? No. But I believe this was what God had for me. He leads everyone differently, and I know He’ll make it clear to you where He wants you to go. 🙂

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen” (2 Peter 3:18, NIV).



6 thoughts on “Pros and Cons of Attending a Christian College

  1. Thank you for this post! I’ve been praying recently about what God would have me do now that I’ve graduated high school. Reading these pros and cons of Christian Colleges was really helpful! I hadn’t thought of a lot of those things ☺


    1. I’m so glad this helps you, Leah! I hadn’t thought of a few of those things until my friends mentioned them; they were a huge help 😉 I can’t wait to see where God takes you!

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